速報APP / 娛樂 / Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup

Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup face(圖1)-速報App

♥♥♥♥ Haunts & scare people with spooky images via our Haunted Face Changer.♥♥♥♥

Haunted Face Changer is the greatest scary app to amuse you thrills and make you laugh frightened. The art effects or body parts and gibs used in this app are incredible in its class and provide the most scary and amusing experience to people.

Super spooky haunted eyes and freaky face turns your ordinary photos to halloween face and haunted face. All photos can be makeup as a scary creatures using haunted teeth and scary frames.

Celebrate this halloween with super spooky object available in this halloween makeup app. Scary Halloween makeup can turn any photos into scary pictures.

Scary teeth can turn any photos to freaky face. Take any photos and convert them to haunted forest and scary forest using haunted objects of this app.

Do the scary halloween makeup with haunted eyes, haunted teeth and scary frames. Scary halloween face could easily generated with this app.

Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup face(圖2)-速報App

Apply the scary halloween makeup on photos and make them like haunted forest, scary forest and scary creatures.

Focus Points :

★ Very scary face and haunted eyes effects gibs

★ Very spooky heads and haunted teeth to add on pics

★ Haunted eyes, scary teeth to apply on haunted face gibs

★ Very scary haunted body parts like scary frames, freaky face haunted teeth to use

Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup face(圖3)-速報App

Convert easily your simple gibs pictures into the grooviest and most scariest haunted photos with our Haunted face changer .

Share your ultimate scary pics and freaky face on any social platform like google plus, instagram, square, whatsapp, we chat, pinterest , Facebook, etc.

Specifications : 

★ Scary collection of haunted teeth and scary frames.

★ Horrible eyes and haunted eyes to use on gibs

★ Most scary face and freaky face elements to use

Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup face(圖4)-速報App

★ Apply text & paint easily on pics and convert into haunted forest and scary creatures.

Haunted Face Changer - Halloween makeup face(圖5)-速報App